Survie Par Mohamed Ali Mrabi
Le 21/02/2025

Mais où sont passés nos poissons? A l’instar des humains, la plupart ont migré à la recherche de meilleures conditions de vie. Malgré leurs différences évidentes, les... + Lire la suite...

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Illegal buildings: Less than a year to comply

Par Hassan EL ARIF | Edition N°:6777 Le 31/05/2024 | Partager

In 2019, the Government had launched a regularization campaign targeting illegal constructions except that the operation did not deliver the expected results since, according to figures obtained from the Ministry of Housing, only 2,898 regularization requests were filed with the relevant departments in accordance with decree no. 2.18.475 of June 12, 2019 setting the procedures and modalities for granting permits for repair, regularization, or demolition.

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